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Township of Norwich


The Township of Norwich is committed to promoting a barrier-free Township for employees, citizens and all who live, work, visit, and invest in Norwich. 

The purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act is to make Ontario a better place to live by creating a society that is open to all. The Bill not only sets long-term goals for both the Private and Public Sectors to make Ontario barrier-free by the year 2025, but also sets short and medium goals to ensure steady progress is made. The legislation requires standards to be developed in consultation with persons with disabilities and organizations that would have obligations under the Act.

Please review the 2022-2027 Municipal Accessibility Plan to review accomplishments to date and future goals identified by the Accessibility Advisory Committee and Township of Norwich staff for implementation in the future.

Township of Norwich Annual Status Report of the Multi-year Accessibility Plan 2022 

Township of Norwich Annual Status Report of the Multi-year Accessibility Plan 2024

Township of Norwich Accessible Customer Service Policy

Township of Norwich Accessible Information & Communication Policy

If you have an issue or concerns regarding accessibility of a municipal service, please complete the feedback form or contact:

If you have information or suggestions you would like to share with the AAC, please forward to the Clerk's Department for inclusion on an ACC meeting agenda. 

If you would like to become a member of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, please submit a letter of interest to the Clerk's Department at