A municipal drain is simply a drainage system that channels water off of agricultural land or removes excess water that collects on properties. Most municipal drains are either open ditches or closed tile systems in the ground. Structures that are considered part of municipal drains are grassed waterways, storm water retention ponds, culverts and bridges. Certain creeks and small rivers are also considered to be municipal drains. Municipal drains are created under the authority of theĀ Drainage Act.
Contact the Drainage Superintendent.
Landowners requesting improvements or modification on an existing drain may fill out and submit the Request for Drainage Works (Drainage Act 1990 Section 78) to the Township of Norwich.
All additional steps can be found under Section 78 of the Drainage Act. - https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90d17
Maintenance on municipal drains is the most common procedure that occurs. This work includes clearing of the drain, such as removal of beavers/dams, trees, repairing/replacing tile, silting and cleaning out tiles.
All parties affected by a Municipal Drain are encouraged to periodically inspect the drain and report any visible or suspected problems to the Township of Norwich. Repeated inspection and maintenance of a drain should allow the drain to provide a service for many years.
Municipal Drains are maintained by the Township of Norwich at the expense of all the lands and roads as specified in the Schedule of Assessment for Maintenance from the corresponding Drain Report.
Each owner must provide an access route to the drain for access by the Township to undertake necessary repair or maintenance. As well, a right-of way along the drain route equal to the working area described in the report is also to be available for future maintenance.
If you suspect a problem with a drain, contact Dirk Kramer, Drainage Superintendent.
Landowners requesting maintenance on an existing drain may fill out and submit the Request for Municipal Drain Maintenance (Municipal Drain Work Order) to the Township of Norwich.
Landowners requesting a New Drain may fill out and submit a Petition for Drainage Works by Owner (Drainage Act 1990 Section 4) to the Township of Norwich. This will set in motion a project to create a new municipal drain.
All additional steps can be found under Section 4 of the Drainage Act.