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Township of Norwich


Any person wishing to appear as a delegation before Council or a Committee of Council is required to submit a completed Delegation Request Form. The form must be received by the Clerk’s Office no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, the week before the Council Meeting or Committee Meeting.

To ensure that Council will by fully aware of all facts pertaining to the issue, the delegation is required to include a copy of all information to be discussed with the Council. The Clerk will ensure that this material is included in the Council Agenda package for members of Council and the appropriate staff.

If the deputation intends to read a prepared text at the Council meeting, a copy of this prepared text must be filed with the Clerk for the Township records.

Delegations will be heard near the beginning of the meeting (subject to scheduling) in the order they appear on the agenda. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes in length. At the conclusion of the presentation, members of Council will be given an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification from either the delegation or staff.

If Council is satisfied that all reports and information pertaining to the subject have been presented, at the discretion of Council, a decision will be made either immediately following the presentation or later in the meeting after all other scheduled deputations are heard. If additional information or time is required before a decision can be made, the matter will be deferred until a specific date.

The decision of Council will be made in public usually while the delegation is present. The Clerk’s Department will confirm in writing the decision of Council to the spokesperson designated in the original request for delegation. 

Township of Norwich Delegation Form