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Township of Norwich

Swim Team

Otterville Otters Swim Team

Norwich Township’s swim team is known as the Otterville Otters. Our membership spans a number of age ranges including primary and high school age.

The summer swim league has a very short season but attracts a lot of different types of swimmers from the first week of July to the third week of August. It provides an opportunity for winter swimmers to train year round, introduces the sport of swimming to kids leery of a 8 month commitment, allows many young future lifeguards (who have finished their swim tests and are waiting to be old enough to go to the next stage) to maintain fitness levels necessary to complete their training. It is a great way to swim while making friends and having fun.

The club encourages team spirit, personal growth and enables social connection across different age groups. Families of our primary and high school aged swimmers are drawn from across the whole Township of Norwich as well as from some of the out lying communities.

If you can swim a lap and love the pool come be an Otterville Otter!

Register at the Pool House. 

$73.00 for the whole season


The swim team has 5 one-hour practice slots available for participation.

Monday 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday 7:30- 8:30 p.m.

Thursday 8:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Saturday 11:30 – 12:30 p.m.

Swimmers can swim as many times as they want.

Weekly Meets on Wednesday evenings

FacebookOtterville Otters Summer Swim Team

If you have any questions or would be available to support or volunteer with the Community Board of the Otterville Otters Swim Team (CBOOST) please contact Lisa James 519-868-0979