The Corporation of the Township of Norwich is governed by an elected Council consisting of a Mayor and four Councillors. Councillors are elected, one per Ward. Wards are divided by the boundaries of the former municipalities in effect prior to amalgamation in 1975. The Village of Norwich, the former municipalities of North Norwich, South Norwich and East Oxford.
Council Meeting Schedule 2024 |
Code of Conduct |
Code of Conduct for Council, Local Boards and CommitteesThe Municipal Act, 2001,S.O. 2001, c. 25, at section 223.2, authorizes a municipality to establish a Code of Conduct for members of the Council of the municipality and of local boards of the municipality. A Code of Conduct helps to ensure that members of Council, Local Boards and Committees share a common basis of acceptable conduct. These standards are designed to supplement to the legislative parameters within which members must operate. These standards should serve to enhance public confidence that Township’s elected and appointed representatives operate from a basis of integrity, justice, trust and courtesy. |
Strategic Plan |
Council Priorities and Strategic Action Plan 2023-2026 |
Procedural By-law |
The Township of Norwich is committed to the principles of Accountability and Transparency in its governance, operations, and activities. As part of this commitment, Council has enacted By-law 57-2017 governs the proceedings of the Council of the Township of Norwich and its Committees and Boards. This is to ensure that meetings of Council and its Boards and Committees, transpire in an open and accessible manner that allows members of the public opportunities to participate in the local decision-making process. The Procedural By-law governs the calling, place, and proceedings by which Meetings of the Council occur, how Council discusses, deliberates, and make decisions on matters that affect the community, and also provides for such things as the Order of Business, Public Participation, and conditions under which a Closed Meeting may be held. |
How do I bring a matter before Council?
Are Council meetings open to the public?
Closed Meeting Investigator and Integrity Commissioner |
The Integrity Commissioner is an independent and impartial position that reports directly to council and whose powers and duties are set out in the Municipal Act, 2001. For assistance in contacting the Integrity Commissioner, please contact the Township of Norwich Director of Corporate Services/Clerk. CLOSED MEETINGSAccording to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, all meetings of Council and Boards must be open to the public. A meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter falls under one of the exemptions of the Act. For assistance regarding a closed meeting investigation, please contact the Township of Norwich Director of Corporate Services/Clerk. Closed Meeting Investigator and Integrity Commissioner - John Mascarin |