Boards and Committees
The Township of Norwich has several Boards and Committee's. The members are appointed for a term coinciding with that of the appointing Council. Notices are placed in the paper and on the website after each municipal election. This allows residents the opportunity to submit their letters of interest to participate on one of our Boards or Committee's. Members are then appointed shortly after Council's inaugural meeting.
Policy for Boards and Committees of Council
Application for Board / Committee Appointment
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee |
The Norwich DEI Committee is responsible to advise and make recommendations to Council, and develop a DEI Strategy and Action Plan for recommendation to Council. Recognizing that the Township, in partnership with the other municipalities in Oxford County, has adopted a Community Safety and Well Bring Plan, the Committee will work in support of and in cooperation with the Safe and Well and Oxford Steering Committee and in particular their DEI Action Coalition. MembersDocumentTerms of Reference |
Police Services Board |
Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990 Some duties of the board are to; determine objectives and priorities, establish polices, receive regular reports, establish guidelines for dealing with complaints and review the chiefs administration of the complaint process, as well as monitor the chiefs overall performance. Council appoints one member of the public and one member of council to sit on the board, with the third member being appointed by the Lieutenant Governor Police Service Board meetings are held in the administration building boardroom on the third Wednesday of each month, excluding May, July and December. MembersCouncillor Gear and William Van LagenDocumentsPSB Rules and Procedures |
Business improvement association board (BIA) |
To oversee the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally owned lands, buildings and structures in the area, beyond that generally provided by the expenditures of the municipality and to promote the area as a business or shopping area.MembersJeannette Van Lagen, Lennard TenHove, Charlotte Campbell, Cody FurlongDocumentsTerms of Reference; |
Fence Viewers |
Once the Clerk has determined the validity of the request for fence viewers, a viewing is scheduled. The arbitration process is applicable when: no fence exists on a boundary line and one owner wants a new fence constructed or where a line fence exists and one owner believes it requires repair or reconstruction. In these situations, the fence viewers are only authorized to address one or both of the following issues: the apportionment of responsibility for the fencing work; or the description of the fence that is to be constructed or reconstructed o the boundary line, including the materials to be used.MembersChris Martin and Ralph ErdmanDocumentsFenceviewers By-law 52-2011 |
Burgessville Santa Claus Parade Committee |
MembersDave Topham, Lois Topham, Dianne Haycock, Jacqueline Robinson, Judith MacDonald, Ruth Storey and Councillor CouwenbergDocumentsTerms of Reference |
Municipal Heritage Committee |
To advise and assist Council on matters relating to Parts IV (the designation of properties) and V (designation of heritage conservation districts) of the Ontario Heritage Act.This Committee has been working towards publishing a book on local architecture and has developed a recognition program for buildings to acknowledge ‘historical significance’MembersVal Haley, Gail Lewis, Marie Avey, Howard Cornwall and Councillor GearDocumentsTerms of Reference |
Woodlawn Adult Community Centre Committee |
The Committee is to oversee and administer the ongoing operation of the Woodlawn Adult Centre. They are responsible for the formation of operational policy, establishing proposed rental rates, supervising the ongoing operation of the centre, ensuring property maintenance is carried out as required.MembersNancy Rebelo, Mae Leonard, Barb Davis, Linda DeJonge, Joan McQuiggin, Gail Lewis, Sharon Garner and Mayor PalmerDocumentsTerms of Reference |
Property Standards Committee |
If an owner or occupants received an order to demolish or repair a structure and/or property they can appeal the order to the Property Standards Committee. Upon receipt of an appeal, notice is given to affected individuals/organizations and a hearing is held. After the hearing the Committee may confirm the order, modify it, rescind it or may extend the compliance deadline provided the general intent and purpose of the Property Standards By-law and the Official Plan are maintained.MembersDouglas Buck, Chris Martin and Wendy MartinDocuments |
Canada Day Committee |
To be appointed annually (based on the host village location) to act as facilitator for the annual Canada Day festivities, by: engaging the community to provide a free event that is accessible to all residents, fundraising, securing grants and creating promotional materials. The Host Villages will be as follows: MembersThe following were appointed as members of the 2024 Canada Day Committee: Kaylyn Haycock, Janet Neutel, Steve Neutel, Lorraine Schaafsma, Diane Buckrell, Alie Johnson, Curtis Cushing, Diane Haycock, Gerald Dickson, Wilhelmina Reitveld and Councillor Gear
Documents Canada Day Committee |
Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The committee reviews and provides input into issues, policies, training and retrofit plans/drawings. The committee also advises Council about the preparation, implementation and effectiveness of the Annual Municipal Accessibility Plan. MembersLarry Martin, Val Haley, Wendy Martin and Councillor GearDocumentsTerms of Reference |